Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Developments

We never seem to do anything in logical, small steps but rather seem to go leaping and bounding wherever the path may lead. The last four months (again too long between entries) a ton has happened. There was of course Christmas, always a wonderful and yet painful time since Ricks passing. The girls had an amazing time and as most children of our time were totally spoiled. Christmas is always relatively easy since we get to stay here with no real need to travel. It is crazy and wonderful and magical visiting with everyone and reconnecting after months (sometimes a year) of not seeing each other. The gifts of course are a whole nother subject and seem to multiply each year despite my best efforts to "keep it simple." Then came Kamryn's third birthday. Hard to believe that that beautiful little princess of ours has been around for three years. It seems like time has passed so quickly, just a short while ago I was anxiously waiting for her to arrive. Then waiting for her to crawl, talk, walk...She is such an amazing little lady and she makes me smile every single day. She is the most interesting mix of Tom Boy and Princess all in one adorable little package. She LOVES to wear dresses and insists on changing outfits about a billion times a day. Her random assortment of clothing often involves at least one dress and almost always a bathing suit. Her favorite line these days is "I have a surprise for you after..." then she plants a big hug or kiss on you. Mckinna has really come into writing these last few weeks. She has discovered that she actually has the ability to create and spell words which is really neat. She regularly asks us to spell a word for her and she writes it down in her little doodle books. Hard to believe that my oldest baby girl will be going to Kindergarten in the fall. Where she will go is still undecided but time will tell. Charlee has been working on her potty training but is taking a little longer then I would like. I think that it is mostly my fault for sending her mixed messages and changing between panties and pull-ups but unfortunately with life as busy as it is it is most certainly not as easy to train her as it was with the other girls. She is working on her speech in a big way. She can have full conversations in "gibberish" and loves to try to say whatever you ask her too. Her big sisters both love her so much and the three of them have such an amazing dynamic. I pray that they continue to love on each other for the rest of their lives :) Mckinna and Kamryn love to play with Charlee and teach Charlee and help Charlee. Today when I picked them all up from MOPS childcare, Mckinna carried Charlee and kissed her head until we got to our coats...totally priceless. It is hard to imagine that one day these three precious girls will not be so little and will not need me near as much as they do today. I feel so blessed to be their mother and I try my best (although not always successfully) to savour these precious moments with these God given miracles. I love my family so much that sometimes it physically hurts my heart. I feel SO blessed to have been given so much by my Heavenly Father...amazing :) To get back on track. Anthony started and finished his last year of Electrical training. He is an AMAZING man and has worked so hard to provide so many great things for our family. School is not easy for him but he is a trooper and so incredibly dedicated. He also had to deal with knee surgery during his time in school and really struggled with recovery. Again, he rose above all of the pain and trials and really applied himself like crazy. In the end despite the stress of everything, he PASSED!!! Not that I ever doubted he would because despite the fact that he sells himself short he is one smart, handsome man :) During Anthony's time in school he also decided that it was time to part ways with his current employer and start up his own company. As of April 1, 2011 Anthony and I are the proud owners of Lethbridges newest electrical company, Ampera Electric. We are actually only half owners but it is a new adventure that I have no doubt my husband will make very successful. Lastly, we are still waiting for this little button to arrive :) Although I am not positive this will be our last child I am fairly confident that this will be our last "natural" child. I have had another GREAT pregnancy and don't for a minute take that for granted but I think that I am ready to not be pregnant....for a while. Baby moves a lot and seems to be enjoying hanging out in my rib cage. I had intended to keep weekly pictures of this pregnancy but of course as usual failed miserably at that (sorry little one.) Rest assured I am now getting "big." I will try my best to take a photo soon..perhaps even after I write this. We have not decided on what this little miracles name will be but I am sure that when the time comes we will have something we love. I am really hoping that baby will come on my birthday but I still am trying to convince myself that it likely will not happen. The girls are VERY excited for this baby and I am excited for them to meet their new sibling. I must admit that one of my favorite parts about having a baby in my belly is the hugs and kisses that are showered on my belly throughout the day. I better get off to bed. My hands and feet are swelling so I will take that as my body telling me it needs the bed. On a final note I made the girls each a dress and plan on trying skirts next...I am becoming slightly domestic which is scary for anyone who even remotely knows me.