Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer and Birthdays

Time seems to move so incredibly quickly. I am so blessed to be able to be a part of this incredible journey called life. Every single day I feel so incredibly undeserving of the many, many blessings that I have been given.
First big event was Mckinna's sixth birthday. I cannot believe that she is six years old. It seems like just yesterday that I was peeing on a stick for the first time, waiting anxiously for the result. Feeling those first miraculous movements of this new life being created within me. Now she is going into grade one. She is a funny, spunky, outgoing, precious little girl. She desperately wanted to have a party but I am holding out until next year before we open those flood gates. Instead we quietly celebrated by going to the Taber pool with our good friends Wade, Crystal, Carter, Grady and Madden. I made her a mermaid cake and I was pretty pleased with the outcome.
Although the summer has been wet we have managed to go on a few nice little camping trips. First was parklake with the Matchetts. Next came Little Bow with the Packards. Finally we spent a whole week at Parklake with Crystal and Glenna. All the trips were so very memorable. We are enjoying our blue bomb. It is amazing to see the three big girls curled up together after a long day of playing.
I will finish up this post with another milestone. Charlee has turned three :) We celebrated with friends on Saturday and then the family on Sunday. Although the rain came down we had a nice enough evening to celebrate outside. All of my beautiful little girls make me smile every day. Charlee is a great mix of tender and tough. She is independent and stubborn and yet the biggest suck. She asks me every night if I will sleep with her and it takes every ounce of my will to not just cuddle her forever. I am all to aware that time passes way to quickly, especially when it comes to our children.
I pray that God will span the many gaps that I manage to leave in my journey of parenting. I am also so thankful for the time I have had with my little family.