Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tis the season

Okay, try number two. I had a really great, really long post written about all of our adventures and misadventures going into this holiday season. Now that beautiful, perfectly composed post has disappeared into technology land. I will try to both summarize and expound upon some of the wonders that were contained in that perfect post ;)
Things have been crazy around here but I am pretty sure that given our situation, crazy is the new normal. We have been running around to school, preschool, music, gymnastics, playgroup, you get the idea. It is fun but at times also exhausting.
Charlee and Kamryn had their preschool Christmas concert this week. Thy both did amazingly well but it was so neat to see the differences in their personalities. Charlee is a ham and spent most of her time marchig to the beat of her own drum. This included a bit of a misstep resulting in body contact with the poor unsuspecting boy next to her. Kamryn on the other hand performed flawlessly not missing a word or a beat, not wavering from her assigned tape mark. I think that it is amazing that God has designed both of them differently but the same and equally as loved and beautiful and absolutely unique within his purpose and plan.
We spent last Saturday night caroling with the Music for Young children program. It was both a disaster and a success all wrapped up into one little experience. I spent the night carrying cranky Jordynn while Charlee filled her pockets with rocks. To start Mckinna focused her energy on caroling but that focus quickly (4 houses in) shifted to the social necessity of finding a best friend for the remaining time. Meanwhile Kamryn teetered between full force caroling and clinging desperately to my leg. I often worry that I will mess up with the frailty and frivolity of dealing with the delicate balance of girls emotions. This was one of the many times that I felt I just could not win. The night must not have been all bad though because the girls did say that they want to return next year.
Saturday morning we went Christmas tree shopping. The shopping itself went fairly smoothly for having four little girls in tow. We pick a beautiful tree. The decorations have changed a lot from my days of thematic Disney or Roudolf ornaments. The tree is now adorned with salt dough, sparkly balls and colored wooden ornaments. I have to say that I do like it better this way. The kids went a little overboard I the decorating and it most certainly was not the peaceful, calm event I had envisioned but it was fun.
We spent the tail end of Saturday at the Hungarian Christmas celebration where the girls had their first Santa experience for the season. They all did well except for Jordynn who liked Santa from a distance but was most certainly not a fan of sitting in that strafe mans lap. We followed up with a quick visit to the mall to get the infamous mall Santa group shot. I think Jordynns face tells the entire story :)
This season has made me even more aware of the rich, undeserved blessings that have been poured out on my life. I am so very blessed by my Heavenly Father and so humbled. I'm drinking from my saucer for my cup has overflowed.

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