Friday, February 22, 2013

Blessing in loss

Our lives are so filled with blessing and it is important to me that my children remember that even in sad times we are blessed by a God who loves us. Today was a bit of a hard day though. Our beautiful kitty Daisy May had to be put down after they discovered she had a mass in her esophagus. This paired with the funeral for an amazing lady who ended her life long before The Lord was done working good through her made for a challenge. Again, while my heart is hurting I remind myself of how blessed I am to have all the amazing blessings I am surrounded with. I am reminded that life is not a guarantee but a gift and it can end at any time. I pray that if my life were to end in the near future that those around me would celebrate the time that I was blessed to share with them in this world. My girls are happy and healthy and growing. This is a gift some parents never have. I have a loving husband. I am surrounded by an amazing, supportive family. I have things that many people only dream about and not because I deserve any of it.
I need to post more often about the good things that are happening in this growing an changing house. I am so thankful for those "ordinary" days that so quickly pass by. My babies are growing an our loves are changing. I looking deeper at teenagers these days an try to envision the baby, toddler and preschooler they once were. I marvel at my girls innocence and wonder when the time will come that little things they now believe so fully will slip away. When I get angry and short I worry about what impact that will one day have. I want to love them so much every minute because I am keenly aware that I will never have that precious minute back. I am growing and changing right along with them. Thank-you Lord for the blessing of an ordinary, extraordinary live.

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