Thursday, December 17, 2009

Blog Surfing

First a confession...I secretly long to be a great blogger. Now that it's out there I honestly feel no different. Last night after reading a couple blogs belonging to friends then I decided to push the next button just to see what people were blogging about. I discovered nothing that I didn't already know but I was astounded at the fact that a large majority of the blogs have been written since people had children. It seems like we all have that innate desire to have some sort of record of the events that surrounded our families and particularly our children. I found this blog surfing particularly interesting because it made me really aware of the similarities in all people. We are all living out our individual lives that share so many common bonds and yet we all feel so much like individuals. Can you imagine that number of people who daily experience the same emotions and events that you do? And yet we are the only ones who will live OUR life. Our own unique combination of events. We will be the only mother or father our children have, the only co-worker in that particular the same and yet so unique at the same time. Much like snowflakes :)
This season has been terribly busy and although I do indeed love the Christmas season I also have a great dislike for it. I enjoy the get togethers, seeing friends and family. I adore the fact that the idea is to celebrate and feel joyous. For some strange reason (not really) I always wind up feeling more then a little inadequate during this season. Perhaps it is because I am not the best homemaker or gift giver or hostess or all encompassing woman that it seems this time of year brings out. I will be the first to admit that I am by no means Martha Stewart nor will I ever come close. Since I am in this mood of confessing I may as well come out and also admit that I hate gift wrapping. I love to look at beautiful wrapped gifts and I dream of a day that under my tree looks like a Christmas display but quite frankly I am not ready to put forth the effort it requires.
A few nights ago I took time to wrap what few gifts we are giving to the girls and in the morning Mckinna was certain that Santa had come and was literally vibrating with joy. I had to slam her back to reality by stating that she had to wait until Christmas to open the gift...a little crushing for both of us. At least it was a step up from her premature ripping into the gifts at Grammies house which provided us adults with more then a good laugh.
I can say that having my children has brought back some of that true Christmas anticipation and helped me to see the wonder of the season through the eyes of those who need the wonder and imagination the most. I enjoy that fact that even if it is lying to my kids they can dare to dream that the man in the red suit is going to come and bring them gifts simply to celebrate them and their behavior. I am trying my best to also re-enforce the fact that Christmas is the day that Jesus Christ our lord and saviour came to earth in the form of a baby. I am sure that their true understanding of this concept will not come for some time but I hope and pray that it does come and that my family will feel love, peace, acceptance and understanding from their heavenly father. I am sure I will say this again but Merry Christmas, I love you my family.

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