Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas in the rear view mirror...

Well, it is over. The hustle the bustle the Christmas carols and the visits to Santa are done for another year. I have a love, hate relationship with the marevelous time of year and I am starting to think that I am with the majority. I LOVE spending time with family, making memories and visiting for hours on end. I enjoy the "magic" that my beautiful girls bring to a holiday that as I grow has lost some intrigue and mystery. I LOVE giving gifts, truely meaningful gifts and seeing the expressions on the faces of the reciever. I am not a fan of shopping and wrapping and all the consumerism surrounding the holiday.
Some people may know this but five years ago this Christmas my Uncle Rick passed away from cancer leaving behind his two amazing boys and beautiful wife. On Christmas day, just shortly after his 40th Birthday he passed away. I am not sure how my precious cousins have dealt with this horrific experience but I know that my heart aches for them each year as this time of such joy brings yet another reminder of their unimaginable loss. This year they also have to deal with the loss of their family home and all its pocessions to fire. Don't get me wrong they have also had great blessings but how is it that two young boys must deal with such great tragedy? My uncle was and AMAZING man and I am so thankful that I got to spend six months living with him and his family before his life was ended so terribly early. Actually I am so very thankful that we had this great man for as long as we did, I only wish that we could have had longer. I miss you Rick.
It was a terrible process and my mother had to watch as her beloved little bother suffered. As an adult I have truely come to realize that my mother is not an ordinary woman, she is EXTRAORDINARY. She is by far the most selfless, giving, empathetic woman that I know. She spent many moths by her brothers side advocating for the best care and supporting him, his sons and his wife in any way she could. She cooked, she cleaned, she babysat, she councelled, she was a nurse, not because she wanted rocognition of thanks but because she truely wanted to help. I know that words cannot express how truely greatful I am that I not only know her but am blessed enough to call her mother. I know that this time of year is very hard for her.
On a much happier note the girls were more then spoiled this year. Santa brought the girls a mamoth doll house and barbies has begun in our house. It is marevlous to see them use their imaginations and it is truely amazing to me that my 3 year old and not even 2 year old can already create such and amazing game of make believe together. For the most part Mckinna and Kamryn play VERY well together with their ocassional scraps over this toy or that.
Although both girls truely LOVe their baby sister and fight over holding her and playing with her I think that right now Kamryn wins for just wanting to be with Charlee. Every morning Kamryn climbs rather clumsily into the crib with Charlee for a snuggle. It warms my heart to watch Kamryn run to Charlees room as soon as Kamryn even senses Charlee might be awake.
I know that I have said this before and I will repeat it till..well forever, I am so blessed.

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