Friday, March 26, 2010

I may never be great

but I will try my best to be grateful. I was thinking the other day about how amazing some peoples lives are. You know those people who change the lives of millions of other people. I am pretty sure that I will never do anything like that. I do hope that in my lifetime I will find a way to help at least a few hurting souls though. I think that I realize now more then ever that I really do want to start the ranch.
I think that it is very hurtful to think of the reality that some children live daily. It is hard to remember that children around me grow up with not only no one loving them but the people who are supposed to love them actually hurt them. I think that the word hurt is such an understatement because what some children endure is unthinkable. As hurtful and horrific these thoughts can be I still find myself drawn to finding a way to reach out a hand to help. I don't think by any means I have not done a great job of this so far but I also have a responsibility to my children to ensure that I guard and protect them in anyway I can from being in a situation where their safety is compromised. I also have a responsibility to my husband to love and support him in his career.
I guess that I will pray that God willing the day and the finances will come and we will be able to create a haven where hurting kids have the opportunity to experience the love of God and the support of being in a positive environment. It is my hope and dream to start a small scale version of Mercy Ministries started by Nancy Alcorn in the USA. As a matter of fact, I am hoping that perhaps on my next trip to BC I will get to tour the new Mercy Home in Canada and perhaps chat up the people in charge.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Busy like CRAZY

Whenever people say they have been too busy to do something I quietly think to myself that that is a lame excuse....we will always be busy. This past few weeks I feel like I have been too busy. I have spent the last three weeks working and trying to be a good mom and wife and I would like to not only applaud but give a standing ovation to the working moms out there. You ladies who work and take care of your families are amazing. I feel like after just three weeks my motor is running out of steam and I need some mommy time aka sleep.
The girls have been little troopers and we have marvelous people around to help look after them and shuttle them around daily. Fortunately we have also had dad at home to help pick up the slack. He has even taken time out of renovating the basement to help with the housework, run Kinna to preschool and even on two occasions take Kamryn to gymnastics. I think that going back to work is going to be hard on him because he is enjoying being home with the girls and interacting with them.
I have a good time teaching though and I miss being in the classroom. I enjoyed interacting with the kids and staff and yet I know that I belong here with my least for now. I missed them dearly each day and it was hard to hear about what they had done. I think it was especially hard because the weather was beautiful so I was secretly longing to take the girls to the lake and have some outdoor fun.
We did have our first two pony rides of the season this past week. My goal for this summer is to get the pony out at least a couple times each week. He has been highly under utilized and the girls are getting big enough now to actually begin to learn to ride. It is kinda neat to see Kinna and Kamryn sitting up there holding onto one another and the reins. I am not certain what the future holds for them horse wise but I know a great deal of my fond memories revolve around horses.
The farm is looking a little rough but I think that our family is going to work together to clean it up in a few weeks. I feel mostly to blame for the mess and the need to clean. Although a great deal of the mess is the fault of my animals some of the blame can also be shifted to mother nature and the passage of time.
Have I mentioned lately that I love my family. I have been reminded many times over the last few weeks just how lucky I am. I have a man that loves me, three BEAUTIFUL little princesses, a home, food and so many luxuries that many people do not share. I am blessed.