Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Welcome Home

Well, the girls and I just arrived back home from our trip to the West Coast. I shouldn't say just arrived because we actually got home on Sunday. We surprised Auntie Deanna for her 34th birthday and attended Nana's 89th Birthday. I LOVE BC. I love being there, the smells, the scenery and most of all the people. We have so much family there that every gathering no matter how insignificant it a party. I also have such Amazing friends there that no matter how long the visit it is tough to get enough time to spend with everyone. I think that hardest of all these days is knowing that the time between trips, no matter how short it may be brings big changes as far as the girls are concerned. The last time my family and friends saw Charlee she was a tiny baby, just six weeks old (we went out in September for Auntie Coralees wedding) now she is nine months old and almost walking.
We met Breanna for the first time this trip. She was five months old and BEAUTIFUL. It is interesting and challenging to see my friend as a mom. What different lives we both have from when we met fourteen years ago. I love my "niece" so much and treasure every moment I spent with her, drinking in all her babiness. The next time I see her she will have changed so much and I will have missed all the small steps that she takes to get there.
I love coming home to my husband. Don't get me wrong, it isn't easy for me to leave my friends and family but knowing that I am coming home to Anthony makes the transition much easier to bear. Although I know that our relationship will grow and change and go through ebbs and tides I know that Anthony is my rock. Devoted husband, father, son. I know that he will support me through the challenges and adventures that life brings our way. He accepts me for who I am, who I was and who I am becoming.

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