Monday, August 29, 2011

Ready for Fall....

Wow! Summer has flown by and it is almost fall. Our summer was fun. We spent two weeks in Salmon Arm with the family again and the girls had fun. The weather did not cooperate so well but I don't think the kids noticed too much. They had so much fun playing with their cousins and I had a great time visiting with Michelle, Crystal, Gran and Nana. I think that the most precious part of this two weeks was having Nana along. At ninety years old she sat in the chair and watched as the children played. She isn't always in the best of spirits but I know by the way she watches those kids that she adores them. It was so amazing to see Charlee climb up into Nans lap for a little kiss and then run off for some more action.
Other then that trip we have stayed close to home but been fairly busy with play dates, swimming, pony riding and quad riding. We did a couple weekends of camping in our "new" 1976 Motor home. It is so nice to just get away as a family and spend time watching the girls play. They seem to make new best friends wherever they go and it is always so exciting for them.
We are gearing up for fall. Mckinna starts kindergarten and Kamryn starts preschool. It is amazing that they are big enough to go to school now. Like most moms I feel like it was only a short time ago that they were tiny babies and I was holding them in my arms. I treasure the present and the things that they can do now but I also look back fondly on what has brought us here.
This fall the "big" girls are going to play soccer. I have also enrolled all three of the older girls in music lessons. Then my little Charlee will be doing gymnastics. I think that it will be busy but fun. It is hard to believe that even though I had four beautiful little babies in five years I will spend Monday and Wednesday mornings with only two of them.
We are gearing up for our Disney Cruise. It is only 20 some odd days away. I am both excited and nervous. I want things to go smoothly and I want it to be relaxing so of course I am trying to get everything organized and sorted out before we embark upon this first real adventure as a family of six. I cannot wait to see the look on their faces when we board that magical boat and head for Disneyland. I am so blessed to have such amazing parents that make things like this happen.

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