Friday, April 6, 2012

Joys of Technology

So it is late and by late I mean 1:25am. I have like a zillion things going through my head. At the forefront of those thoughts is my desire to be a better blogger. Mostly for two reasons. 1. As much as I say and think I won't forget the important things, I do 2. I want my girls to be able to one day look at this and know that from the very beginning I prayed for them and wanted only to be the very best mom for them that I could be (I screw this one up a lot)
Now this leads into technology how you might ask...well, my amazing, handsome husband upgraded my phone and I just discovered an app that allows me to blog on my phone. To me this is amazing. To any other tech savy person this is probably basic phone 101. At any rate, perhaps just maybe, now that I can blog on my phone I will do it more often. I still need to write about our Disneyland adventure and the fact that Jordynn is just one month away from being one year old. Wow! This has been one amazing year.

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