Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back to reality

We arrived home just after 6pm last Sunday. After leaving Vancouver at 4am the drive home was really quite uneventful. I am sure that God must have been more then aware of the suffering of parents on long journeys thus creating a plan to have some genius design the built in entertainment system. Life saving :)
The rest of our Vancouver trip was fantastic and draining. The wedding was beautiful, amazing and most certainly a very cool experience. The rehearsal dinner was at a beautiful house with expansive grounds. The ceremony went off without a hitch and the girls looked and acted like angels. The reception to follow was a lesson in the art of Chinese celebration and culinary skill. What an honor to see Justin commit to being Angeline's husband.
We followed up the wedding with a family trip to the aquarium since Anthony was out for the few days. It was fun but busy. It was neat to see the girls experience things like touching starfish for the first time. Following the aquarium we spent the evening swimming and enjoying the amazing company of my cousin and her family. They always open their arms and their home to our chaos which is such a blessing. It makes my heart happy to see the life that my "little/twin sister" has built for herself and the amazing kids she is raising.
On Sunday Anthony had to head back home to get back to the grind. It was sad to see him go and the girls were sad he could not stay longer. We spent the day with some of the family at the fish farm catching trout. Charlee seemed to have the "lucky" rod and every time it got cast out it managed to bring in another fish. You might think that catching fish is a good thing but after she caught three and I let each sister reel in one and the girls aversion to eating fish I quickly knew that we needed to pawn off some fish. Thankfully the trout farm allows you to donate your fish.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we went down to Black Mountain with Grammy, the boys and great great nana. The girls had such a great time running around playing all sorts of made up games with the boys. They swam in the pool and played mini golf. Spent some time at the park and riding bikes. Their favorite by far though was the nightly campfire. I was just pleased as punch to not have to cook, thank God for amazing mothers :)
The remaining days of our trip we hung out with Aunty Cor and then spent our last few days back at Casa de Boyer. All in all a crazy but fun filled adventure.
Since arriving back home we have laid pretty low by Kish standards. Since the fair was in town this week we spent Tuesday morning at the parade. Wednesday we headed out to the Tot lot in Coaldale for Pop out. Thursday we blew the wad and spent the afternoon riding all sorts of midway attractions. It is so cool to see the girls got to the fair each year and be able to enjoy more and more rides. Mckinna even went on her first "big" ride. I'm not sure that she really liked it but she was a super trooper. Charlee seems like she may turn into a hard core ride junky as at three she is riding the kiddie roller coasters with her hands pressed toward the sky. Kamryn seems to really enjoy the rides as well although her favorite by far is still the carousel. Next year we are truly going to have to commit a full day to enjoying all that is Whoop Up days.
Next week Mckinna starts grade one. I am a little nervous to see how she does. I know that she will do great and I am happy she gets to go to the first grade but honestly I will miss having her here. She has been my sidekick for the last six years so it will be eerie not having her with me to enjoy everything all the time.
Kamryn and Charlee both start preschool the following week. That means that on Monday an Wednesday mornings it will just be me and Jordynn. After having four babies in five years this seems a really odd to think that I will have a few hours each week with only one. I have been so blessed to have healthy, growing children.
Speaking of babies. I think that I may have finally accepted both in my heart and my head that our four beautiful daughters will be all of the children that I grow in my belly. I struggle with this decision as I see others having their fifth but I think that this is not only my plan but perhaps the plan that God has for my family...if he thinks otherwise then I will graciously accept. I do still feel that perhaps our family in the future will have more children that although may not grow in my belly will be my children just the same. As in all cases I know that ultimately God is in control and has a plan far greater then mine so I will rest in that knowledge.

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