Monday, August 6, 2012

Vancouver vacation

Well another summer has come and we once again find ourselves in beautiful BC. Our drive out was uneventful but fun. Thanks to Grammy (aka my mom) the girls and I spent a night in the under the sea room at the Catlegar Super 8. Their queen sized triple bunk makes sleeping accommodations easy. The girls spent all the time there playing in the pool and waterslide which makes a parent feel not so guilty for keeping them in the car for five plus hours in a harness. Upon our arrival in the lower mainland we had the pleasure of seeing and staying at Aunty Cor and Uncle Ryan's new house. It is amazing. We spent Sunday at church and playing in the spray park. I go to snuggle Auntie Deanna's newest bundle of joy who is already four months old and cute as a little button. Today the girls, Grammy and I spent the day at Jungle Jacks with great great nana. That woman is remarkable for being 91 years old. I can only hope and pray that God gave me a good helping of her strong genes. The best part of her is that she loves doing whatever the kids want and then watching. She doesn't complain or make us go elsewhere she just makes due, comes along and watches. It is pretty special to be able to spend time with her and to have her spend time with my children. The days ahead will be busy but hopefully exciting. We have Justin's wedding to look forward to. The girls are super excited to wear their dresses so hopefully that goes off without a hitch. Cannot believe that summer is almost over. I am so lucky to get to spend so much amazing time with my kids having fun, memorable adventures. Hopefully my kids see them as that :)

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