Saturday, September 29, 2012

Can a mommy mess up faith?

I'm sure that I can and will mess up the faith my children have, can have or should have in some way.
I am not sure how to do this Christian mommy thing the right way. I know in my head that God is in control and he is going to make good the things that I screw up but I would like to do Faith well.
It is important to me that our girls come to form their own, real relationships with God. I do not want our kids to believe because we taught them to or we wanted them to or because they think it is the right thing to do. I want their hearts to long for God in a way that they cannot deny his very presence. I want them to have a desire to pray not because they are supposed to but because they want to draw closer to God. I want our kids to love and give back because their hearts long to care for the poor, sick and broken just as Jesus did. I want our children to know that being a Christian does not mean you are perfect or that everything in your life will be perfect. I want them to know that even when it seems like they are alone there is someone who loves them right where they are and is holding them tightly to his chest. I want our little girls to know that from the day they were born till they day they leave this earth no matter what they do or don't do that they are loved and accepted and forgiven. That they are enough just because they are. I want them to have a faith that springs forth from the depth of their heart and soul, not one that has been dictated to their heart and soul. I want our children to love the lost because they are lost and loved. We all are. I want them to pray at meals because quite frankly we are blessed by God to have them. I want them to go through their days, both good and bad turning all their worries, cares and affection toward the one who authored it all. I want them to know that if I can love them so much it hurts then I cannot even begin to fathom the depth of Gods love for them. I want them to stray from the crooked path but if life leads them there then I want them to know that there is no condemnation. No matter where they find themselves I want their heart to whisper the truth of Gods love and desire for them.
Since I am doomed to screw it up I can only pray and know that God will work out all things to his glory.

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