Saturday, September 29, 2012

The movie of our lives

I will often find moments where I wish for just an instant that I could pause and rewind events. The girls are growing so quickly and while I love to see them grow and change I miss and forget some of those simple moments that frozen in time mean so much.
I miss some of those wonderful nights rocking and feeding each new beautiful little miracle. Their tiny fingers curled around mine. Their little eyes gazing up to view my motherly face. Their tiny lips sucking precious milk produced by my body to sustain their life. I miss those first wobbly steps taken on an array of surfaces. All those subtle firsts that slipped quickly by like touching grass and smelling flowers. All those moments of watching my babies be held in the strong, loving arms of their father shortly after they took their first breaths. Life is like a movie that you only ever get to view one time. Sometimes you miss important parts but it is always important to focus on each moment and each scene before it passes by.
We have had a beautiful September full of firsts. I have loved taking a step back and breathing in the amazing blessing of my children and family. Here are some pictures that I know I will reflect back on and remember fondly in the years to come.

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