Sunday, July 21, 2013


It has been nine days since I returned from what seems to be the most incredible dream I have had in a while. 
On May 24 Sarah and I journeyed back to her homeland of England. It seems so surreal. It was most certainly a God thing because I was certain that there was no way it would work out for my husband to first allow me to go and then secondly provide child care to the girls while I was away. He was AMAZING!! and stepped up to the plate in so many incredible ways. I am so blessed to have married a man who can identify my needs and put them ahead of his. 
So I guess that for the record I need to at least be sure to include a brief outline of the events of the trip
Thursday, May 23 - Left Calgary at 6:30pm and arrived in Gatwick, London at just after 10am Friday morning.
Caught a hired car to take us to Heathrow to pick up the rental car. Sarah rented an amazing Convertible Mini copper for us to bomb around the English countryside in and boy can that girl drive. 
We set off for Grantham with a stop over to visit Sarah's friend Isabelle and her four adorable kids. Such a blessing to get to see Sarah interacting with friends from her past. We arrive at the warehouse just after 10pm on Friday night and decide to get some fish and chips. By the time our first "day" ends the two of us have been up for something crazy like 32 hours but every moment of it is more then worth it. 
Saturday May 25 - The day starts with an amazing walk through the street of Grantham surrounding the nursing home and warehouse. It is absolutely unexplainable to cross the street and wander in the shadow of the big cathedral and wander through the church yard. I snap tons of photos. We spend a bit of the day sorting through boxes, shopping, touring and head out to dinner with Sarah's parents. Again, so surreal to be able to meet and see Sarah interact with her parents. Even more surreal to join them for dinner in Grantham. Sarah tours me through some of the places that she grew up. 
Sunday May 26 - I head out to church while Sarah an her mom do some more sorting. I attend a service at New Life church in Grantham in the building where Sarah use to go to youth group. It is a good little service but most amazing by far is that I meet Shelly a missionary coming through a rough patch whom we had briefly talked about the night before. The situation is a little too perfect to be a coincidence. 
Monday May 27 - We spend a bit of the morning getting things sorted out and then we hit the road for Bradford to Cherish women's conference. The opening of the conference is entertaining and stirs a not so pleasant emotional response for me. 
Tuesday May 28 - Day 2 of the conference starts out a little rough but is overall good. The speakers (Lisa Bevere, Charlotte Gambil, Abs Niblock and Caroline Barnett) are passionate and the LA Dream center is inspiring. In the afternoon we get a chance to hear the Mercy Ministries presentation which does my wart good. Sarah needs to get some work done so I take the opportunity to catch a little catnap before the night session.

Wednesday May 29 - We skip out of the morning sessions to drive up to Ilkley Moore and it is well worth it. The day is foggy and rainy but what an incredible experience. We stop in at a fun little pub on our way in to catch the final session of Cherish. We head back to Gratham arriving at the warehouse late in the night after a stop at Asda. After a little night cap and some fun we wind up the day in the early hours of Thursday morning. 
Thursday May 29 - Sarah wraps up her visit with her family and we head to Gravesend to spend the night at Janice and Izzys house. We make a whirl wind top down car tour through the city of London and under the tower bridge. It is so amazing I almost feel the need to pinch myself. It is nice to catch up with Janice and to actually get to see where her new life has taken her. I stay up too late having too much fun.
Friday May 30 - Sarah, Janice and I head into London on the train. We experience so many great and amazing things in one whirlwind day. We see Westminster abby and Big Ben, the London eye. Then we jump a double decker bus and take in all the amazing sites. We get off the bus at Buckingham palace and walk through Hyde park to head to Oxford street to do some shopping. Janice has to part ways with us mid way through the shopping but it was so amazing to get to see London with Sarah and Janice, I would've never imagined it. After a few hours of shopping Sarah and I manage to somehow find ourselves in a crazy fancy restaurant in the heart of London. We jump back on the train and head back to the car to drive to the hotel at Heathrow arriving just after one in the morning. 
Saturday June 1 - the hired car picks us up at 6:30 to take us to Gatwick. Our plane leaves at 10:30 and will arrive in Calgary just after lunch. 
Best part of the trip by far was spending time with Sarah. Late night conversations and seeing some of the places where her life has taken her. This trip has done incredible things for our friendship and allowed me to connect with her on more of a heart level. It has been so meaningful to be able to meet her family and see some of the places that mean so much to her heart. 

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