Sunday, November 22, 2009

Drinking from my saucer

I hate writing. I have hated it since I was a young girl but in one of my deep thinking moments I realized that in the unlikely event that something was to happen to me I would want those that were the closest to me to know that my life no matter how long or short was AMAZINGLY full. I am also certain that after much reading and pondering that it is important for my girls to be able to read about whateven I may choose to write about. I think that I read somewhere (on Leslies blog) that you can turn your blog into a book and so perhaps one day I will gift them a book of my ramblings to really torture them....I know that I am not nor ever will be great with words or with grammar but I guess that I will just have to make due with what I little writing ability I do have.
I chose the title Drinking from My Saucer because I recently recieved an e-mail with this poem attached and the words could not be more true
I've never made a fortune,
It's probably too late now.
Oh, but I don't worry about that much
Cause I'm happy anyhow.
As I go along life's journey,
I'm reaping better then I sowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.
Ain't got a lot of riches,
Sometimes the going's rough.
But I've got a friend in Jesus,
And that makes me rich enough.
I thanks God for all His blessings on me,
And the mercy that He's bestowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.
Oh sure, I've been through some storms,
And yes, I'm sure there were times when my,
Well, my faith must have got a little thin,
But you know what it seemed like?
One day all at once, those dark clouds broke,
And that old sun, she started shinin' again.
So Lord, help me not to grumble and complain,
About the tough rows I have hoed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.
And if I should go on living,
If the way gets steep and rough.
I won't ask for other Blessings,
'Cause I'm already blessed enough.
May I never be too busy,
To help another bear his load.
And I'll keep drinking from my saucer, Lord,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.
Yes, I'll keep drinkin' from my saucer Lord,
'Cause my cup has over flowed
Michael Combs

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