Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I am so thankful for my friends. Right now I am trying to start up a small home business. I have created to market a baby wrap style carrier that turns into a bag. It is trendy and stylish yet at the same time very functional. The idea came out of the best product I discovered in three kids which was the Cuddlywrap. I wanted to take this simple wrap one step further and create something that was a little bit more stylish.
Well, my friends (and husband) have absolutely been the driving force behind this little endeavor. It started when my friend Crystal generously offered to loan me her sewing machine. Then following that my mother in law let me borrow her serger but I seem to have burned it out after only two wraps. Although they assure me it was not my fault I can't help but feel responsible for this unfortunate mishap. Then my friend Kathy stepped up and offered to let me borrow her serger which I discovered from the sewing store lady was like the Mac Daddy of sergers in it's day and still is a "Very good model, not at all an introductory serger." I will not take the comment to heart because I can assure you that I have no in clings of even beginning to think that I am even a beginner seamstress of any sort.
Just when you thought I certainly could not get any more generous souls in my path yet another friend, Tammy, offers to let me use her embroidery machine to add a "professional" logo to my product. And believe it or not it does not stop there, Jen a mother of two young boys with a husband out of town offers her professional photographic talent to help me take pictures for my instruction manual and advertising.
Did I mention my friends are AMAZING? I cannot believe the outpouring of support that I have received and I count myself so blessed to have so many people in my life that are SO willing to give of their time and their processions. Although I often tell people thank-you I really do want these people to know that I think thank-you is insufficient for what they have done. I hope that as we travel in this life I will one day be able to provide something to each of you that you are perhaps not able to provide for yourself. THANK-YOU :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Since I had children I cannot help but think about all the times that I undervalued my mother. I spent many of my years growing up taking this amazing woman for granted. She sacrificed, she was patient, she put us first in everything. I can absolutely honestly say that I never valued or thought twice about all the things she did for us.
My mom spent countless hours carting my brother and I (mostly I) all over the map. In the winter she would drive us up to the ski hill and let us ski the day away while she sat in the lodge. In summer she carted me to soccer practise and game and tournament one after the other. If we weren't away with soccer then she would have us out at the lake camping. When I was in choir she spent time as the convener and organized many a concert and fundraiser. When I wanted to ride she drove me 45 minutes out of town to the middle of no where so I could join a 4-H club even though I had no horse of my own. She even mucked out stalls with me to bring home the mother daughter sh** shovelling contest. Thinking about all the times she sacrificed for me I can honestly say that I don't think I can ever even come close to the bar she has set.
She has always given EVERYTHING that she could for me and my brother. Even now as adults mom is always offering her time, her money, her cars. Whenever and whatever we need mom is always there with and eager to give.
I wish that I was a more sensitive child and adult, not so wrapped up in my own world and thoughts of me. I wish that I would have told her more how much I appreciated all she did/does for me. I guess that I will just have to spend the rest of my life trying to make up for all the times that I didn't express my appreciation. I am so thankful for her.
I was thinking the other day about a time in my life when I felt especially close to my mom. When Mckinna was about seven months old we adopted our beautiful Jack Russell Emma. She came from the shelter and needed some love and attention. It was a particularly warm winter and so daily my mom would meet me at the lake so we could get the dog, baby and I out of the house. We would walk around the wintry lake and talk. It was so wonderful to be able to spend those times with her and just to share those moments of our life together.
I guess that I am hoping that by writing this I can give some small glance into the amazing woman that my mother is and also in some way honor all the great things that she has done.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Kamryn is Two

Well, although most people are celebrating that arrival of a new year and this year a new decade I am celebrating one of the most important days in my life. My beautiful, priceless Kamryn is two years old. It hardly seems that two years has passed since we welcomed our tiny spitfire into the world. Every single day that I get to see that little lady I am so thankful for her.

Today we are having a party at our house. The friends will come, the family will gather and we will blow out candles and then I will anxoiusly await the joys and pains that two will bring. I guess that only time will tell what kind of a two year old she will be.

My pregnancy with Kamryn was a little unexpected. I would never say that she was an accident but I was most certainly pregnant sooner then perhaps my timing would have been. Looking back it was the best way to do it but at the time I was more then a little worried about what life would look like with two little ones 19 months apart. The pregnancy was uneventful and unlike most pregnant ladies I felt Terrific for the whole nine months.

I spent that last month of my prenancy (December) working in a grade one classroom at Senator Buchanan and we all laughed daily at how big I was and the things that I was doing (dancing at the sock hop) Our due date was Christmas but that "due" date once again came and went any we were left waiting. Thankfully the doctor couldn't let us wait too long this time as she was called away on an emergency. Dr. Godwin asked me timidly if I would mind being induced on New Years day and I jumped on the prospect of having my second baby born on the birthday of my best friend (Coralee is also a New Years baby)

We arrived in the morning excited to meet our baby but anxious about the delivery. They began with the gel because I was already 4cm dialated and had been for sometime. We did the standard walk around the hospital, which was quiet due to the holiday. We visited with my mom and her co-workers and went through the routine checks. Finally at 2:00 they decided to break my water. They monitored me for 20 minutes after then I left the puddle of the bed to have a shower. In the shower I felt the contractions begin and quickly get harder and stronger. Anthony came to check on me and I told him I was fine so he left to check the score in the Hockey game. I got out of the shower when I could not take it any longer and things went fast and furious from there. The nurse came and I requested an epidural she checked me then left to put in the order. It was then that I knew Kamryn was coming. I began to shout because the call button was on the wall and I was alone. I NEVER want to be "that crazy lady" so I did not shout too loudly for fear that the nurse would come and tell me it was nothing. I got gradually louder and next thing I knew Anthony and the nurses were rushing into the room. Within seconds of their arrival Kamryns head was out and Kamryn was fully out just as doctor walked through the door. She came into this world at 2:47pm only 47 minutes after they broke my water.

I fully realize that my children are a gift from God and that he has entrusted Anthony and I to raise them, love them and shelter them. It is a miracle to me that you can love something so much and that with each one the love grows even when you are sure you cannot love anymore. Happy Birthday my beautiful princess, may we celebrate many many more years of laughter, memories and growth.