Thursday, January 21, 2010


Since I had children I cannot help but think about all the times that I undervalued my mother. I spent many of my years growing up taking this amazing woman for granted. She sacrificed, she was patient, she put us first in everything. I can absolutely honestly say that I never valued or thought twice about all the things she did for us.
My mom spent countless hours carting my brother and I (mostly I) all over the map. In the winter she would drive us up to the ski hill and let us ski the day away while she sat in the lodge. In summer she carted me to soccer practise and game and tournament one after the other. If we weren't away with soccer then she would have us out at the lake camping. When I was in choir she spent time as the convener and organized many a concert and fundraiser. When I wanted to ride she drove me 45 minutes out of town to the middle of no where so I could join a 4-H club even though I had no horse of my own. She even mucked out stalls with me to bring home the mother daughter sh** shovelling contest. Thinking about all the times she sacrificed for me I can honestly say that I don't think I can ever even come close to the bar she has set.
She has always given EVERYTHING that she could for me and my brother. Even now as adults mom is always offering her time, her money, her cars. Whenever and whatever we need mom is always there with and eager to give.
I wish that I was a more sensitive child and adult, not so wrapped up in my own world and thoughts of me. I wish that I would have told her more how much I appreciated all she did/does for me. I guess that I will just have to spend the rest of my life trying to make up for all the times that I didn't express my appreciation. I am so thankful for her.
I was thinking the other day about a time in my life when I felt especially close to my mom. When Mckinna was about seven months old we adopted our beautiful Jack Russell Emma. She came from the shelter and needed some love and attention. It was a particularly warm winter and so daily my mom would meet me at the lake so we could get the dog, baby and I out of the house. We would walk around the wintry lake and talk. It was so wonderful to be able to spend those times with her and just to share those moments of our life together.
I guess that I am hoping that by writing this I can give some small glance into the amazing woman that my mother is and also in some way honor all the great things that she has done.

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