Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Why must my kids wear bathing suits??

I am not talking about while swimming here. I am talking wake up every morning and run to the bathroom to claim their bathing suit as their chosen outfit for the day. Seriously, this happens daily. As I type, at 5:00 in the afternoon I have Kamryn begging, not even just a little bit but a LOT to find her a bathing suit. Why might a four year old need a bathing suit at 5:00 in the afternoon when we are NOT going swimming? What is the appeal of that spandex fabric strutting around the house? I have just been informed that if I "pretty, pretty, pretty please find her a wim suit then she wioll call me the best mom ever" I had no idea that was what it took to gain that kind of status, from now on I will ignore all other duties and instead focus on primarily hooking my kids up with a steady supply of designer bathing suits.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Our Little Turtle is One!

We celebrated our last "1st Birthday" in the Kish household. It happened to fall on mothers day so the party took on a little bit of an adult feel. I went all out and made Jordynn a turtle dress and turtle cake. It is amazing that I have been blessed with four amazing daughters and that my youngest one has already lived out her first year. I am so happy that I have gotten to see her go from being a tiny baby to be a full fledged walking toddler. She finally got her first two teeth just a couple weeks before her first birthday. She also learned to walk about the same time and was sporting some pretty nice road rash just prior to our big celebration.
Now some details about Jordynn. She loves her monkey, soother and bottle. She is fiercely stubborn and can be quite the little pincher. She is also tender hearted and loves to snuggle. She weighs about 20 pounds and is my pickiest eater so far. She loves to "taste" food before she eats it. Did I mention how much the girls and I love her? The girls tote her around like a little doll and Jordynn's face lights up whenever she sees them. Kinna loves to tickle her and kiss her, Kamryn loves to carry her and Charlee loves to talk to her two inches from her face.
I will never regret my children getting older. I count it an amazing blessing everyday that I get to spend with them. Although some moments (like now with two kids crying and several requests flying from the bedroom) I may not be as composed or nurturing or loving as I wish I could be I do know that my children know they are loved. What a blessing to be called mom.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy 8th Anniversary

Okay so this is really not the day of our anniversary but I was too tired to write this last night.
It is funny how I kinda envision this romantic movie"esh" kinda day folding out but yet really everything is eerily normal with a small dollop of romance. Anthony and I went out for dinner at the Keg and small talked about where our life has come from and what it may someday be. We followed up our romantic meal with a grocery shopping trip to Safeway because it is 15% Tuesday and I desperately needed to get groceries.
By far the best part of the day is the thoughtful card my husband placed under my pillow that speaks of the things we will look back on when we get old together. Oh and did I mention our love fern? It is actually an ivy plant purchased from Safeway but lets hope I can keep it alive at least for a while. Not sure why I needed one more thing to be responsible for but at least this one doesn't talk back :)
I am so blessed to have an amazing, hardworking husband who loves me. I know that I do not deserve his lie and most days I am not even sure how he stands me, let alone loves me. I am so happy that eight years and one day ago he decided that he would sacrifice the rest of his life to provide for me as his wife and his family.
I love you Anthony.