Sunday, April 8, 2012

Amazing Love

Today is Easter Sunday. As I lay here in my amazing house surrounded by safety, warmth and happiness I begin to ponder what I ever did to deserve so much blessing. I am vastly aware that in the world I live in I have more blessings then so, so, so many people. I am a perfectionist and have always strived to be successful and "attain" things even though in my head I know that I will never be "good enough" or "deserving enough."
I was hit by a deep thought of sorts, at least for me. When each of my children were born I fell in love, like deep, vast, unending, heart hurting love with them almost instantly (the shock that I had yet another girl may have hit me first lol) I loved these little beings before they had done anything, and I mean anything. My love for them didn't hang on what they looked like or what they could or couldn't do. It didn't matter that they kept me up all night or cried even when I was trying my best to get them to stop. I just loved them for being them. I know and scripture tells me that Gods love for me is greater then any love that I can feel. Since this is true, I know that God loves me just for being string attached. This is a simple revelation of sorts but when I think and ponder on it it becomes deeply personal.

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