Tuesday, April 24, 2012

If I should die...

I know that it seems kinda morbid but I am a realist and I know that we all leave this earth. Some are blessed to live long lives stretching through decades and others leave before even taking a breath on this earth. One thing that I know for certain is that when my life comes to an end I want to make sure that I have said a few important things.
No matter when I leave this earth I want everyone around me to know how incredibly blessed I am. Sure there was pain in my path, as there is in everyone's but in perspective of the suffering that many endure I have lived a life full of privilege. I am truly and remarkably blessed to have been born into an amazing country with many freedoms. I have a family that loves me, supports me and provides for me. I have an amazing roof over my head, food on my table, water and electricity. I could go on but you get the idea.
I also want my family to not focus on the things that I will miss when I leave this earth but rather be thankful for the memories and moments we shared. My heart is full with the love filled memories of the day I married my amazing husband. I tear up when I think about the blessed births of each of my four beautiful daughters. Holding them as they took their first breathes in this world....amazing. I am so very blessed to have been able to see them grow out of baby clothes, learn to walk, to talk, to ride bikes and start school. There are many parents who will never share these moments with their children. I. Am. Blessed.
I want my girls to know that I am proud of them. Not for what they will become or what they look like but for who they are. I want them to know that they are here for a purpose and sometimes that purpose is just to bring love and joy to a single person.
I know that for a long time I focused on doing something big and amazing with my life but I know that I have done something amazing. My love for another person has created four beings..that is as big as it gets.
I guess that what I am trying to say is that when I leave this world please don't be sad thinking of how unfair the circumstances may be. Rather rejoice in the fact that I had time, no matter how long or short it may have been.
Most of all remember always that I LOVE you all with my whole heart, so much that I can feel it.

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