Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas from us to you

Wishing For Merriment Christmas Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tis the season

Okay, try number two. I had a really great, really long post written about all of our adventures and misadventures going into this holiday season. Now that beautiful, perfectly composed post has disappeared into technology land. I will try to both summarize and expound upon some of the wonders that were contained in that perfect post ;)
Things have been crazy around here but I am pretty sure that given our situation, crazy is the new normal. We have been running around to school, preschool, music, gymnastics, playgroup, you get the idea. It is fun but at times also exhausting.
Charlee and Kamryn had their preschool Christmas concert this week. Thy both did amazingly well but it was so neat to see the differences in their personalities. Charlee is a ham and spent most of her time marchig to the beat of her own drum. This included a bit of a misstep resulting in body contact with the poor unsuspecting boy next to her. Kamryn on the other hand performed flawlessly not missing a word or a beat, not wavering from her assigned tape mark. I think that it is amazing that God has designed both of them differently but the same and equally as loved and beautiful and absolutely unique within his purpose and plan.
We spent last Saturday night caroling with the Music for Young children program. It was both a disaster and a success all wrapped up into one little experience. I spent the night carrying cranky Jordynn while Charlee filled her pockets with rocks. To start Mckinna focused her energy on caroling but that focus quickly (4 houses in) shifted to the social necessity of finding a best friend for the remaining time. Meanwhile Kamryn teetered between full force caroling and clinging desperately to my leg. I often worry that I will mess up with the frailty and frivolity of dealing with the delicate balance of girls emotions. This was one of the many times that I felt I just could not win. The night must not have been all bad though because the girls did say that they want to return next year.
Saturday morning we went Christmas tree shopping. The shopping itself went fairly smoothly for having four little girls in tow. We pick a beautiful tree. The decorations have changed a lot from my days of thematic Disney or Roudolf ornaments. The tree is now adorned with salt dough, sparkly balls and colored wooden ornaments. I have to say that I do like it better this way. The kids went a little overboard I the decorating and it most certainly was not the peaceful, calm event I had envisioned but it was fun.
We spent the tail end of Saturday at the Hungarian Christmas celebration where the girls had their first Santa experience for the season. They all did well except for Jordynn who liked Santa from a distance but was most certainly not a fan of sitting in that strafe mans lap. We followed up with a quick visit to the mall to get the infamous mall Santa group shot. I think Jordynns face tells the entire story :)
This season has made me even more aware of the rich, undeserved blessings that have been poured out on my life. I am so very blessed by my Heavenly Father and so humbled. I'm drinking from my saucer for my cup has overflowed.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Let it snow

It is October and we live in southern Alberta. This of course could mean a variety of things but today it meant that we woke up to like a zillion inches of snow.
The girls were of course totally pumped to go out and play. As the parent required to adequately dress four little people, I was much less excited for this wonderful, memorable, painful experience. I spent roughly half an hour getting everyone, including 17 month old Jordynn, dressed to explore the cold outdoors. Of course, just as I wrapped up the dressing process and sent the last girl out they proceeded to pile back in to warm up and spread snow throughout the house. This is the first time that Jordynn has really been big enough to appreciate the foreign concept of snow. I am fairly certain for her quick re-entry to the house that she is not yet a big fan of the fluffy white stuff. It was fabulous to have a day spent at home for once.
Another big event for our family was the taking down of the crib. We assembled that beautiful, specially chosen white Aspen dropside crib from Storkcraft six years ago in a nursery stenciled with Sesame street characters. Two years later we moved it into the nursery at the present house. It has held all four of our precious girls. Since it is convertible we will keep it and probably use it for a double bed before too terribly long but for now it sits disassembled.
Jordynn has so far made the switch to the bed like a trooper. She went straight to bed at both nap and bedtime so I guess the true test will be if she stays in the bed till morning.
It is so amazing and mind blowing how far our lives have come in six years. We now have four amazing, beautiful, unique daughters who each in their own way bless our family beyond measure and make it what it is. I am finally getting to sleep through the night more and more.
I am so blessed, my cup runneth over.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The movie of our lives

I will often find moments where I wish for just an instant that I could pause and rewind events. The girls are growing so quickly and while I love to see them grow and change I miss and forget some of those simple moments that frozen in time mean so much.
I miss some of those wonderful nights rocking and feeding each new beautiful little miracle. Their tiny fingers curled around mine. Their little eyes gazing up to view my motherly face. Their tiny lips sucking precious milk produced by my body to sustain their life. I miss those first wobbly steps taken on an array of surfaces. All those subtle firsts that slipped quickly by like touching grass and smelling flowers. All those moments of watching my babies be held in the strong, loving arms of their father shortly after they took their first breaths. Life is like a movie that you only ever get to view one time. Sometimes you miss important parts but it is always important to focus on each moment and each scene before it passes by.
We have had a beautiful September full of firsts. I have loved taking a step back and breathing in the amazing blessing of my children and family. Here are some pictures that I know I will reflect back on and remember fondly in the years to come.

Can a mommy mess up faith?

I'm sure that I can and will mess up the faith my children have, can have or should have in some way.
I am not sure how to do this Christian mommy thing the right way. I know in my head that God is in control and he is going to make good the things that I screw up but I would like to do Faith well.
It is important to me that our girls come to form their own, real relationships with God. I do not want our kids to believe because we taught them to or we wanted them to or because they think it is the right thing to do. I want their hearts to long for God in a way that they cannot deny his very presence. I want them to have a desire to pray not because they are supposed to but because they want to draw closer to God. I want our kids to love and give back because their hearts long to care for the poor, sick and broken just as Jesus did. I want our children to know that being a Christian does not mean you are perfect or that everything in your life will be perfect. I want them to know that even when it seems like they are alone there is someone who loves them right where they are and is holding them tightly to his chest. I want our little girls to know that from the day they were born till they day they leave this earth no matter what they do or don't do that they are loved and accepted and forgiven. That they are enough just because they are. I want them to have a faith that springs forth from the depth of their heart and soul, not one that has been dictated to their heart and soul. I want our children to love the lost because they are lost and loved. We all are. I want them to pray at meals because quite frankly we are blessed by God to have them. I want them to go through their days, both good and bad turning all their worries, cares and affection toward the one who authored it all. I want them to know that if I can love them so much it hurts then I cannot even begin to fathom the depth of Gods love for them. I want them to stray from the crooked path but if life leads them there then I want them to know that there is no condemnation. No matter where they find themselves I want their heart to whisper the truth of Gods love and desire for them.
Since I am doomed to screw it up I can only pray and know that God will work out all things to his glory.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First day

Today at six years, three months and three days old Mckinna spent her first full day at school. She was so excited, nervous but excited. One of the strongest parts of Mckinnas personality is her ability to look forward to all things new. She has been looking forward to this day for a long time and I think that it was all that he had hoped for.
Anthony dropped her off this morning as he did when he started kindergarten. First days are bitter sweet for him. It hurts him to see them growing up so fast but I also know that he is proud to see them grow and change and take on new challenges.
I spent most of my day missing her and I turned that ache into prayer. Every time I would feel my mother heart yearn to have her here close to me I would pray. It is my hope that my children are able to be a positive example of love and compassion to those around them. I pray that they will be able to love like Jesus and win hearts, minds and souls. I pray that they will be strong, faithful and courageous. Above all I pray that shame, defeat and guilt will not hold them down but if they come will be stepping stones to take them to new heights in faith and love (although I would prefer that they never come.)
I am not sad at moments like these. I am all to aware that there are many people who for various reasons will never get to experience moments like these. I count it a blessing to be able to see my first blessed baby girl grow to become a spunky, energetic first grader. I have been blessed to watch her grow, change and bloom. This is not a privilege that I take lightly. Thank-you God.
This day has made me even more aware of just how precious this short time is. Throughout the day I found myself reflecting more on the moments that will soon quickly pass. Before long I will once again be alone in the shower. It will be hot, I will actually have time to use soap and water will not be pooling around my ankles for the shower bath. Before long days and perhaps weeks will go by without me hearing anyone cry out for mom. Things will no longer be sticky or broken and perhaps my house will stay clean for at least a little longer. Mostly I will miss the amazing ability my children have to LOVe and live with no boundaries, worries or cares. I will miss their simple requests for one more kiss. Their fighting for who will get to sit in my lap for the story. I will wish once more for someone to ask me to sleep with them. One day, not long from now, no one will hold my hand, or at least without a lot of coaxing. I know that these amazing, beautiful, spirited gifts from God will not be little for long and I need to drink that in. I need to caress their perfect skin and pour out as much love on them as I possibly can.
Six years has flown by and I know that time will unfortunately not move any slower.
I love you my little blessings and I am so proud to just be your mother. I have been proud of you all since I bore you into this world. Before you could talk, walk or read I thought that you all were amazing. I pray that you will know everyday that you are loved simply because you are perfect just the way God created you.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back to reality

We arrived home just after 6pm last Sunday. After leaving Vancouver at 4am the drive home was really quite uneventful. I am sure that God must have been more then aware of the suffering of parents on long journeys thus creating a plan to have some genius design the built in entertainment system. Life saving :)
The rest of our Vancouver trip was fantastic and draining. The wedding was beautiful, amazing and most certainly a very cool experience. The rehearsal dinner was at a beautiful house with expansive grounds. The ceremony went off without a hitch and the girls looked and acted like angels. The reception to follow was a lesson in the art of Chinese celebration and culinary skill. What an honor to see Justin commit to being Angeline's husband.
We followed up the wedding with a family trip to the aquarium since Anthony was out for the few days. It was fun but busy. It was neat to see the girls experience things like touching starfish for the first time. Following the aquarium we spent the evening swimming and enjoying the amazing company of my cousin and her family. They always open their arms and their home to our chaos which is such a blessing. It makes my heart happy to see the life that my "little/twin sister" has built for herself and the amazing kids she is raising.
On Sunday Anthony had to head back home to get back to the grind. It was sad to see him go and the girls were sad he could not stay longer. We spent the day with some of the family at the fish farm catching trout. Charlee seemed to have the "lucky" rod and every time it got cast out it managed to bring in another fish. You might think that catching fish is a good thing but after she caught three and I let each sister reel in one and the girls aversion to eating fish I quickly knew that we needed to pawn off some fish. Thankfully the trout farm allows you to donate your fish.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we went down to Black Mountain with Grammy, the boys and great great nana. The girls had such a great time running around playing all sorts of made up games with the boys. They swam in the pool and played mini golf. Spent some time at the park and riding bikes. Their favorite by far though was the nightly campfire. I was just pleased as punch to not have to cook, thank God for amazing mothers :)
The remaining days of our trip we hung out with Aunty Cor and then spent our last few days back at Casa de Boyer. All in all a crazy but fun filled adventure.
Since arriving back home we have laid pretty low by Kish standards. Since the fair was in town this week we spent Tuesday morning at the parade. Wednesday we headed out to the Tot lot in Coaldale for Pop out. Thursday we blew the wad and spent the afternoon riding all sorts of midway attractions. It is so cool to see the girls got to the fair each year and be able to enjoy more and more rides. Mckinna even went on her first "big" ride. I'm not sure that she really liked it but she was a super trooper. Charlee seems like she may turn into a hard core ride junky as at three she is riding the kiddie roller coasters with her hands pressed toward the sky. Kamryn seems to really enjoy the rides as well although her favorite by far is still the carousel. Next year we are truly going to have to commit a full day to enjoying all that is Whoop Up days.
Next week Mckinna starts grade one. I am a little nervous to see how she does. I know that she will do great and I am happy she gets to go to the first grade but honestly I will miss having her here. She has been my sidekick for the last six years so it will be eerie not having her with me to enjoy everything all the time.
Kamryn and Charlee both start preschool the following week. That means that on Monday an Wednesday mornings it will just be me and Jordynn. After having four babies in five years this seems a really odd to think that I will have a few hours each week with only one. I have been so blessed to have healthy, growing children.
Speaking of babies. I think that I may have finally accepted both in my heart and my head that our four beautiful daughters will be all of the children that I grow in my belly. I struggle with this decision as I see others having their fifth but I think that this is not only my plan but perhaps the plan that God has for my family...if he thinks otherwise then I will graciously accept. I do still feel that perhaps our family in the future will have more children that although may not grow in my belly will be my children just the same. As in all cases I know that ultimately God is in control and has a plan far greater then mine so I will rest in that knowledge.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Vancouver vacation

Well another summer has come and we once again find ourselves in beautiful BC. Our drive out was uneventful but fun. Thanks to Grammy (aka my mom) the girls and I spent a night in the under the sea room at the Catlegar Super 8. Their queen sized triple bunk makes sleeping accommodations easy. The girls spent all the time there playing in the pool and waterslide which makes a parent feel not so guilty for keeping them in the car for five plus hours in a harness. Upon our arrival in the lower mainland we had the pleasure of seeing and staying at Aunty Cor and Uncle Ryan's new house. It is amazing. We spent Sunday at church and playing in the spray park. I go to snuggle Auntie Deanna's newest bundle of joy who is already four months old and cute as a little button. Today the girls, Grammy and I spent the day at Jungle Jacks with great great nana. That woman is remarkable for being 91 years old. I can only hope and pray that God gave me a good helping of her strong genes. The best part of her is that she loves doing whatever the kids want and then watching. She doesn't complain or make us go elsewhere she just makes due, comes along and watches. It is pretty special to be able to spend time with her and to have her spend time with my children. The days ahead will be busy but hopefully exciting. We have Justin's wedding to look forward to. The girls are super excited to wear their dresses so hopefully that goes off without a hitch. Cannot believe that summer is almost over. I am so lucky to get to spend so much amazing time with my kids having fun, memorable adventures. Hopefully my kids see them as that :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer and Birthdays

Time seems to move so incredibly quickly. I am so blessed to be able to be a part of this incredible journey called life. Every single day I feel so incredibly undeserving of the many, many blessings that I have been given.
First big event was Mckinna's sixth birthday. I cannot believe that she is six years old. It seems like just yesterday that I was peeing on a stick for the first time, waiting anxiously for the result. Feeling those first miraculous movements of this new life being created within me. Now she is going into grade one. She is a funny, spunky, outgoing, precious little girl. She desperately wanted to have a party but I am holding out until next year before we open those flood gates. Instead we quietly celebrated by going to the Taber pool with our good friends Wade, Crystal, Carter, Grady and Madden. I made her a mermaid cake and I was pretty pleased with the outcome.
Although the summer has been wet we have managed to go on a few nice little camping trips. First was parklake with the Matchetts. Next came Little Bow with the Packards. Finally we spent a whole week at Parklake with Crystal and Glenna. All the trips were so very memorable. We are enjoying our blue bomb. It is amazing to see the three big girls curled up together after a long day of playing.
I will finish up this post with another milestone. Charlee has turned three :) We celebrated with friends on Saturday and then the family on Sunday. Although the rain came down we had a nice enough evening to celebrate outside. All of my beautiful little girls make me smile every day. Charlee is a great mix of tender and tough. She is independent and stubborn and yet the biggest suck. She asks me every night if I will sleep with her and it takes every ounce of my will to not just cuddle her forever. I am all to aware that time passes way to quickly, especially when it comes to our children.
I pray that God will span the many gaps that I manage to leave in my journey of parenting. I am also so thankful for the time I have had with my little family.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Why must my kids wear bathing suits??

I am not talking about while swimming here. I am talking wake up every morning and run to the bathroom to claim their bathing suit as their chosen outfit for the day. Seriously, this happens daily. As I type, at 5:00 in the afternoon I have Kamryn begging, not even just a little bit but a LOT to find her a bathing suit. Why might a four year old need a bathing suit at 5:00 in the afternoon when we are NOT going swimming? What is the appeal of that spandex fabric strutting around the house? I have just been informed that if I "pretty, pretty, pretty please find her a wim suit then she wioll call me the best mom ever" I had no idea that was what it took to gain that kind of status, from now on I will ignore all other duties and instead focus on primarily hooking my kids up with a steady supply of designer bathing suits.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Our Little Turtle is One!

We celebrated our last "1st Birthday" in the Kish household. It happened to fall on mothers day so the party took on a little bit of an adult feel. I went all out and made Jordynn a turtle dress and turtle cake. It is amazing that I have been blessed with four amazing daughters and that my youngest one has already lived out her first year. I am so happy that I have gotten to see her go from being a tiny baby to be a full fledged walking toddler. She finally got her first two teeth just a couple weeks before her first birthday. She also learned to walk about the same time and was sporting some pretty nice road rash just prior to our big celebration.
Now some details about Jordynn. She loves her monkey, soother and bottle. She is fiercely stubborn and can be quite the little pincher. She is also tender hearted and loves to snuggle. She weighs about 20 pounds and is my pickiest eater so far. She loves to "taste" food before she eats it. Did I mention how much the girls and I love her? The girls tote her around like a little doll and Jordynn's face lights up whenever she sees them. Kinna loves to tickle her and kiss her, Kamryn loves to carry her and Charlee loves to talk to her two inches from her face.
I will never regret my children getting older. I count it an amazing blessing everyday that I get to spend with them. Although some moments (like now with two kids crying and several requests flying from the bedroom) I may not be as composed or nurturing or loving as I wish I could be I do know that my children know they are loved. What a blessing to be called mom.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy 8th Anniversary

Okay so this is really not the day of our anniversary but I was too tired to write this last night.
It is funny how I kinda envision this romantic movie"esh" kinda day folding out but yet really everything is eerily normal with a small dollop of romance. Anthony and I went out for dinner at the Keg and small talked about where our life has come from and what it may someday be. We followed up our romantic meal with a grocery shopping trip to Safeway because it is 15% Tuesday and I desperately needed to get groceries.
By far the best part of the day is the thoughtful card my husband placed under my pillow that speaks of the things we will look back on when we get old together. Oh and did I mention our love fern? It is actually an ivy plant purchased from Safeway but lets hope I can keep it alive at least for a while. Not sure why I needed one more thing to be responsible for but at least this one doesn't talk back :)
I am so blessed to have an amazing, hardworking husband who loves me. I know that I do not deserve his lie and most days I am not even sure how he stands me, let alone loves me. I am so happy that eight years and one day ago he decided that he would sacrifice the rest of his life to provide for me as his wife and his family.
I love you Anthony.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Weekend Fun

This weekend we are on an adventure. Well, not really but we did drive out to spend the weekend in Medicine Hat. My cousin Kyle is getting married and so we have come to celebrate.
The girls were so excited to see all the Westcoast family. We are so incredibly lucky to have our amazing Aunty Shelly. I am not sure why she still has anything to do with me since I was not the greatest cousin growing up but she is AMAZING! and goes far beyond for my kids. We are so loved by her that it is beyond belief. Great gran is also here do we know that tomorrow will be a great day :)
Today the girls did the waterslides here at the Medicine Hat Lodge. Charlee went first and was fearless! She loved going down and shrieked excitedly and had to bound back up the stairs for more. Mckinna took a little convincing at first. I even had to just kinda force her onto the lower slide. But, after a couple rides with mom she was confident to go on her own. It made her seem amazingly big when she ventured up then down several times accompanied by her incredible cousins.
Surprisingly Kamryn did not want to even venture onto the slides tonight. After her fearless display of roller coaster riding in Disney I mistakenly thought that she would LOVE water slides. I am still hopeful that perhaps tomorrow she will at least try one, after all on the Disney boat she did the water slide unassisted with no water wings....she says this one is to high up. At least she had a good time swimming and making friends in the pool.
My incredible husband sent me for a pedicure earlier this evening and in the morning I am going for a massage. I am so thankful that he allows me to indulge in this not cheap habit of mine. Have I mentioned that I think he is amazing? He has been really stepping up his game and helping out with the kids a ton. Bedtime has become a lot more teamwork which is so helpful. He has been able to help with pick ups and drop offs. It is so amazing to see him grow and change and really step into being a hands on, caring father. He even came in the pool tonight and helped out despite the fact that I don't think his knees were feeling up to it. I am so thankful for the sacrifices he makes for our daughters and our family.
Now I am tired but again I remind myself as I lie here in a warm hotel bed with my beautiful daughters sleeping safely and securely, I am BLESSED!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

If I should die...

I know that it seems kinda morbid but I am a realist and I know that we all leave this earth. Some are blessed to live long lives stretching through decades and others leave before even taking a breath on this earth. One thing that I know for certain is that when my life comes to an end I want to make sure that I have said a few important things.
No matter when I leave this earth I want everyone around me to know how incredibly blessed I am. Sure there was pain in my path, as there is in everyone's but in perspective of the suffering that many endure I have lived a life full of privilege. I am truly and remarkably blessed to have been born into an amazing country with many freedoms. I have a family that loves me, supports me and provides for me. I have an amazing roof over my head, food on my table, water and electricity. I could go on but you get the idea.
I also want my family to not focus on the things that I will miss when I leave this earth but rather be thankful for the memories and moments we shared. My heart is full with the love filled memories of the day I married my amazing husband. I tear up when I think about the blessed births of each of my four beautiful daughters. Holding them as they took their first breathes in this world....amazing. I am so very blessed to have been able to see them grow out of baby clothes, learn to walk, to talk, to ride bikes and start school. There are many parents who will never share these moments with their children. I. Am. Blessed.
I want my girls to know that I am proud of them. Not for what they will become or what they look like but for who they are. I want them to know that they are here for a purpose and sometimes that purpose is just to bring love and joy to a single person.
I know that for a long time I focused on doing something big and amazing with my life but I know that I have done something amazing. My love for another person has created four beings..that is as big as it gets.
I guess that what I am trying to say is that when I leave this world please don't be sad thinking of how unfair the circumstances may be. Rather rejoice in the fact that I had time, no matter how long or short it may have been.
Most of all remember always that I LOVE you all with my whole heart, so much that I can feel it.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

First tooth

This weekend was a busy one. I had a booth at the Children's festival so Jordynn and I hung out for the day. Anthony took the rest of the girls with him to grandma and grandpas. It was fun to spend the day with Jordynn in the wrap. Not too long and she will be walking everywhere and not needing momma to carry her.
Saturday night I pulled out Mckinnas first tooth. I didn't have to pull hard, it pretty much popped right out. She was so excited.
Today was such a beautiful day that we went out for a bike ride/walk to the park. We picked up snow bobs and had a picnic supper. The girls played on the park and we watched and threw balls for the dog. It seems so simple but we are so very blessed to live in a country where we can do things like this. It is so amazing to be safe and secure and to have so many great parks so close by.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thank-you basket for a job well done.

It was six years ago this month that this Graco carseat was added to our family. Two months before our first baby was due my eBay shopping lead me to buy a single stroller, double stroller and this carseat. All matching and all coming illegally from the USA. Fast forward six years and we have a basket that expired in December 2010 but is still carrying our baby. Yesterday it went on its final voyage, next stop is the garbage but before it head there it deserves a good thanks for taking care of our babies. I am sure that one day my kids will look back with disbelief that we could put our babies in such an unsafe device lol

Monday, April 16, 2012

We have a walker...kinda...

So I think that I am ready to make it official. Over the past couple days Jordynn has been trying her best to take some steps. Today she succeeded! She has been cruising from object to object and has managed to take as many as four or five totally unassisted steps to bridge the gap between objects. She is a brave little monkey and throws herself fully into whatever object she is aiming for. Almost overnight she has grown by leaps and bounds. She claps and dances, says the regular mama, dada, nana. It is hard to believe that in under a month she will be one. Amazing!
Mckinna is still working on getting her first loose tooth to fall out. She had hoped it would fall out almost immediately but now has resigned to the fact that it may take some time. The new tooth has sprouted up behind though so who knows how long it will take.
Kamryn is on a horse, wedding kick right now. She is all about marrying Brennan from preschool but apparently her and Jack Huggins also recently got married. Jack informed his mom (Tammy) that I cannot know of this marriage because I will probably give her a time out. Every night before she goes to sleep she asks me where we are going to meet. Often she suggests the barn or the racetrack for us to ride our fast horses. I am glad that she still wants to be a cowgirl. I was worried that after she fell off the pony she might not be so keen on the idea. She is a strong, brave little lady that is for sure.
Charlee is getting better and better at talking. She still manages to confuse more then a few people with what she is saying but it is getting better. She is very excited to have a birthday and has expressed her desire for "Mick mouse clubhouse" cake. Should be interested seeing as I am such a domestic diva lol
Have I mention that I love my life? Well trust me I do. I have the most amazing husband and children and we are so blessed to live the life we do. I want to be thankful for each and every single day that I wake up because life is precious and does not need to be taken for granted. I am so thankful that I have gotten to see my children grow to this point and hope and pray that we have many years ahead.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

An Easter to remember

Easter weekend is coming to a close and we have had such an amazing time. There was no "one" great event that made the weekend so memorable but rather a wonderful chain of activities that left me with so many wonderful memories.
On Friday night we all gathered on the couch to kick off another family movie night. This weeks selection (moms choice) was We Bought a Zoo. This movie was also very fitting since I had just listened to Jared Heidinger speak about losing his amazing wife Krista but that is another story. This was the first movie night that I can remember where we all sat snuggling for pretty much the whole movie. It came after a little threat of watch the movie or go to bed but apparently that worked because I was surrounded by the three oldest girls and Anthony spent time snuggling with Jordynn.
Saturday night was dinner at the Doyle's with uncle TJ and nanny and pop pop. Not only was dinner delicious but the Easter bunny had made an appearance there and the girls raced around searching for eggs. Following dinner and dessert overload my mom took the kids for a little swim in the hot tub. Jordynn missed out on the swim but was busy practicing her walking in the living room while the rest of us turkey stuffed adults visited.
Sunday was busy but boy was it fun. Started off with Easter baskets and a hunt in the backyard. Following that we packed up the Chaos and headed off to church. There were baptisms to celebrate and Mckinna made me laugh when she asked about the hypnotisms. After a quick lunch and nap we headed off to Jackie and Ryan Matchetts house. We had rubber duck races, an egg hunt and enjoyed a little BBQ supper. Between us, the Huggins and the Matchetts we had ten kids and I think the oldest was eight lol The girls had a great time running around playing and I had a great time sharing in some adult conversation.
The day ended with a bath. The kids are all still little enough to bath together which is fun and crazy at the same time. I know that I say this often but I am SO blessed and as I watch my family and share in each day with them I cannot help but want to say thank-you to God for every. Single. Second. Of this great life he has given me.

Amazing Love

Today is Easter Sunday. As I lay here in my amazing house surrounded by safety, warmth and happiness I begin to ponder what I ever did to deserve so much blessing. I am vastly aware that in the world I live in I have more blessings then so, so, so many people. I am a perfectionist and have always strived to be successful and "attain" things even though in my head I know that I will never be "good enough" or "deserving enough."
I was hit by a deep thought of sorts, at least for me. When each of my children were born I fell in love, like deep, vast, unending, heart hurting love with them almost instantly (the shock that I had yet another girl may have hit me first lol) I loved these little beings before they had done anything, and I mean anything. My love for them didn't hang on what they looked like or what they could or couldn't do. It didn't matter that they kept me up all night or cried even when I was trying my best to get them to stop. I just loved them for being them. I know and scripture tells me that Gods love for me is greater then any love that I can feel. Since this is true, I know that God loves me just for being string attached. This is a simple revelation of sorts but when I think and ponder on it it becomes deeply personal.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Joys of Technology

So it is late and by late I mean 1:25am. I have like a zillion things going through my head. At the forefront of those thoughts is my desire to be a better blogger. Mostly for two reasons. 1. As much as I say and think I won't forget the important things, I do 2. I want my girls to be able to one day look at this and know that from the very beginning I prayed for them and wanted only to be the very best mom for them that I could be (I screw this one up a lot)
Now this leads into technology how you might ask...well, my amazing, handsome husband upgraded my phone and I just discovered an app that allows me to blog on my phone. To me this is amazing. To any other tech savy person this is probably basic phone 101. At any rate, perhaps just maybe, now that I can blog on my phone I will do it more often. I still need to write about our Disneyland adventure and the fact that Jordynn is just one month away from being one year old. Wow! This has been one amazing year.